Doctor. Dang Tri Dung

Full Name Dang Tri Dung
Position Post – Doc
Degree Doctor
Department Mechatronics
Office Korea
Phone Number
Field of Research
Wave/Wind Energy Converter;

Hydraulic Systems;


2013: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology and Education (Viet Nam)
2018: Doctor of Mechanical Engineering, Unsan University (Korea)
  1. Dang Tri Dung, Nguyen Truong Thinh, 2012, Development of algorithms of controlling and avoiding obstacles for six-legged robot, 6th Vietnam Conference on Mechatronics – 2012 (VCM- 2012), Vietnam.
  2. Dang Tri Dung, Nguyen Truong Thinh, 2013, Controlling of 5 DOF manipulator based on tele-operation, 8th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology ICCCT2013, Korea.
  3. Nguyen Truong Thinh and Dang Tri Dung, 2014, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Control for Ionic Polymer Metal Composite Actuators, Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 2, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 274, Springer International Publishing Switzerland.